Westgate Chapel is led by a group of elders who have spiritual oversight in church life. Alongside the elders are a group of deacons, who are responsible for many of the practical matters of church life (e.g. building maintenance, safeguarding, etc.) Together the elders and deacons serve as the charity trustees and are both directly responsible to the church membership.


Gareth Russell


Gareth is the Pastor of Westgate Chapel. Born and raised in Suffolk, he returned to the motherland to serve Westgate in 2018. Before becoming a Pastor, he worked in supermarkets, car hire, and even considered a career in politics. Gareth trained on both the Cornhill Training Course and at Oak Hill College, and served at Trinity Road Chapel in South London as Assistant Pastor. He is married to Hannah, and has three young children who are often seen scampering around church. His interests include running, coffee, and history.

Duncan McLaren

Duncan is a recently retired chartered surveyor and our church secretary, as well as co-ordinating our music. On a Sunday, he can often be seen playing the piano, and providing an effusive welcome. A Scotsman in exile, Duncan is married to Judy with whom he has three grown-up children (but no dog, yet).

Rob McNeish

Originally from Dorset, Rob was born into a non-Christian home, and didn’t come to faith until his mid-twenties. Within a few years he felt the call to preach and teach the Word of God, something which he has been doing on a regular basis ever since. Alongside this he have been actively involved in the the leadership of churches and other Christian ministries, including providing pastoral support and Christian counsel to people who are struggling with a wide range of issues in their life.

Rob is married to Liz and has two grown-up children, and a gaggle of grandchildren.


Derek Austin

Derek works on a farm in Stradishall, eight miles south west of Bury St Edmunds, and is married to Anne with two grown-up children. He has been at Westgate since the church started and is responsible for helping with the stewarding at our services.

Ed Lowis

Ed leads our children’s work and is responsible for safeguarding at Westgate Chapel. He is a history teacher but proudly traces his ancestry to royalty despite growing up in Reading. Ed is married to Rachel and has two teenage sons.

Paul McNaught

Paul is our treasurer, bassist, and our church sound wizard. He is married to Noreen and recently retired. Paul came to faith as an adult at Westgate Chapel and you can find out about his story here.

latest sermon

03 Apr 2022

The Power of Prayer

Passage Acts 12:1-24

Speaker Gareth Russell
