We believe that no church is an island. Westgate Chapel is part of the global, universal Church, and it is vitally important that we work with other gospel churches, across denominational lines, locally, nationally, and internationally.


Locally, we’re involved in the Suffolk Gospel Partnership. We want to encourage other gospel churches to grow together in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to see churches planted in areas of gospel need on our doorstep:

We particularly long to see new evangelical churches planted in: Haverhill, Newmarket, Halesworth, and South-East Ipswich. We helped to produce this leaflet a few years ago to encourage God’s people to pray for new churches in these places.


Westgate Chapel is a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches – a family of over 600 like-minded independent churches working together to reach Britain for Christ.

We also belong to the smaller Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches. Although we are not a paedobaptist church, we were planted in the late 1970s from a Congregational church in a village near Bury St Edmunds, and retain our links to the Congregational movement as a result.


We are supporters and prayer partners of SASRA, and are currently prayerfully considering partnering with another gospel church in a deprived part of the UK.


We also support mission partners around the world, from Arab World Mission to the European Mission Fellowship, among others.

We have close links with the La Piazza Church in Budrio, Italy and wholeheartedly support Jenny & Stefano Mariotti as mission partners. Stefano maintains an excellent blog about the work of the church (in English!) here.